16 Dec

January can often be considered as a time of reflection. Looking back on the past year and bemoaning our regrets and celebrating our achievements and successes. And then, looking forward to the future year ahead, we can find ourselves making well-meaning 'New Year' resolutions and hope for the best! January is named after the Roman God Janus. Janus is usually depicted as having two heads that face in opposite directions. One looking back at the year departed and the other forward to the new year and uncertainty ahead. Here's the thing... New Year resolutions just don't work! There are several reasons for this but the main reason for their failure is there is no process or 'strategy' for the change or outcome that we desire. Change takes effort and if we always do what we've always done we'll always get what we always had! Our minds can become lazy and will keep us safe by doing what we did yesterday/in the past. So, what do you need to do if you want to change something, get rid of an old habit or do something new?

1. You can listen to what others say but you will believe your own conclusions! So get honest with yourself! Is the change what you want or for others? Do you feel strongly enough about it?

2. Set the intention (Not Targets or goals. You can miss a target/goal but you cannot 'miss' an intention!).

3. Imagine what you want not what you don't want! Thinking about what you don't want, focusses your mind on that and not what you DO want. Get absolutely clear on this and add as much detail as possible.

4. Take action! Nothing happens when nothing happens! You need to show your unconscious mind you mean business! What things do you need to do to make the change? What steps are involved?

5. Imagine in your mind, doing the thing or achieving what you want as if you have already achieved it. See it, feel it and imagine it as if you were having the desired outcome now. This also helps to reinforce in your unconscious mind that you mean business. Everything manifests from thoughts. Star Trek may have been responsible for many innovations simply through the 'idea' and vision of futuristic technology!

6. Practice, practice, practice! Most bad habits, behaviours or outcomes took time to cultivate and grow. For new behaviours and outcomes to manifest into your reality you need to keep doing them and get better at doing them. Our minds learn by what's different. So it doesn't matter if you make a mistake or forget or have a day where you don't do so well. Remember, you cant miss an intention so just start back where you left off. Change is not about following rules or diets (they don't work by the way!) Change comes by having a desire to change and doing things differently. Having a strategy or 'plan' and imagining it as if you are already there.

Motion comes from emotion so make sure you have enough emotion behind what you want. Yes, its going to take some effort on your part but that's what makes change an achievement and permanent.