It's always heart breaking to hear when someone has taken their own life. Doubly so when its a loved one or someone we know. In today’s economic climate, with spiralling food and energy costs, along with the isolation of human contact partly due to social media platforms (where it is more important to check how many 'likes' we get), fake news and online bullying, we can lose sight of who we are, the connection with ourselves.
We are all unique and individual. One of a kind. If you feel life has stopped being your friend, disconnected or alone, take a moment and are here to share your experiences. Let someone know how you feel and begin a new journey, back to you. It’s where love begins...and a place you can call home for those who will come to visit, smile, laugh and cry with you. But most of will make a difference. Now you can share it with the smile at a time. Sometimes, we need help to shift our perspective and give our thinking an upgrade and remember, you didn’t come this far to only come this far.