Performing Arts Coaching

Release the performer within you and achieve your ultimate potential!

Great success requires great commitment, passion and determination to become the very best you can be.

In addition to sports, personal and business coaching, I also have a great deal of experience in performing arts performance coaching, being a professional musician for over 15 years.

With many years on the concert platform I have performed on stage next to many great musicians and artists and in many high profile venues including The Royal Albert Hall, Buckingham Palace and as far afield as Hong Kong, Gibraltar, Cyprus and Germany.

This has given me a unique and very personal understanding of the challenges and demands placed on performers and the skills and stage craft required to deliver a seamless performance.

My performing arts clients include:

  • Actors
  • Comedians
  • Presenters
  • Vocalists
  • Dancers
  • Musicians
  • Producers

If we become stressed or anxious, we can lose focus and concentration. As a performer, it is important to retain that 'edge’ that a certain amount of adrenaline provides before we go on stage. This fear is important and provides the spark that produces the best live performance.

I am sometimes asked to remove this fear so that the performer can be relaxed and not worry about their performance. I politely refuse as without this, the performance is in danger of being lack lustre, bland or without spirit.

A record producer relayed an encounter with a band that went into the recording studio. Their musicianship was second to none. They sang in tune, they played every note perfectly and their timing was impeccable. And yet, the performance lacked feeling. He stopped them half way through yet another take and asked them to take a break and that when they came back, to 'rough it up a little' without being specific as to how! This challenge was enough to get them thinking which in turn created the attitude they needed to deliver a truly great performance.

Therefore, performance nerves, when understood and managed, perform a necessary and healthy function. Problems can occur however, when these behaviours get the better of us and start to get in the way of our performance rather than helping us.

Common problems include:

  • Forgetting lines or words to songs
  • Dry mouth or sweating palms
  • Erratic, shallow or heavy breathing 
  • General performance anxiety
  • Brain fog
  • Becoming distracted
  • Lack of concentration
  • Poor body posture

We are all unique individuals and whether you are a professional, semi professional or amateur performer, or just learning as a personal hobby, I can help you to:

  • Regain your self confidence
  • Be in control of your emotions
  • Focus and concentrate
  • Move past blocks or obstacles 
  • Enhance your performance skills

If you are suffering from performance anxiety or any of the above, call me or get in touch using the contact page and we can talk through how I can help you get back on track and maximise your potential.